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Blaine Davidson

Blaine Davidson


(740) 385-3517

Delinquent Taxes

The Treasurer’s Office provides these programs for the payment of delinquent taxes to assist homeowners in avoiding foreclosure.


The Delinquent Tax Contract is a payment plan for taxpayers who are delinquent in their real estate or manufactured home taxes. Once a contract has been signed and the first payment has been made, no additional interest or penalties will be added to your account. The amount of your delinquent taxes is divided into five (5) equal installments. 

The first payment* is due upon signing the contract. The remaining installments will be added to your next (4) tax payments due in February and July. In some cases, it may be possible to spread the payments over a longer period of time (see SMART Payments Program). 

If you fail to make a payment, the contract will be canceled and any applicable penalty and interest will be added back to your account. 

For further details, e-mail us at [email protected] or call our office at (740) 385-3517.